Golf “Find your swing signature” with your Natural Body Preferences

Aurelien Van Stichelen, Head of Hartland Movement Center Golf Programs, Biomechanics Preferences Analyst, Strength and Movement Specialist

Today, let’s talk Natural Body Preferences with 2 fundamentals in GOLF. Over the past years, I have been studying, learning and then teaching a new method developed in Europe. We are all unique and possess inner strength waiting to be awaken. I have always been coaching strength and movement with this idea to let the body free from too much guiding and thinking. Therefore, when I discovered the Natural Body Preferences, it was evidence to me that I will be certified then teach, spread, and share it. 


We at The Hartland Movement Center are so proud and honored to have Elise Eaton as part of our TEAM. Her specialties in Acupuncture and as a Health Care Practitioner and Resilience Coach makes her approach to health care management a good choice if you are looking to make 2021 a healthier year for YOU! Enjoy her message!